Creating RDBMS Schema for ODI Source Datastore

You need to create a schema to host the ODI source datastore. In these OBEs you use the RDBMS user/schema ODI_STAGE for the tables used in these examples.
Note: You created the schemas for the flat file target model in the OBE: "Creating an ODI Project and Interface: Exporting a Flat File to a Flat File".
Note: If you completed the OBE " Creating an ODI Project and Interface: Exporting a Flat File to a RDBMS Table" earlier, you should already have ODI_STAGE schema created. In this case, you can skip Step1 and Step 2.
To create a new RDBMS schema for the ODI datastore, perform the following steps:
1. Start SQL Developer. You will create the new schema/user by executing the following SQL commands:
create user ODI_STAGE identified by ODI_STAGE
default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;

grant connect, resource, create trigger, create view to ODI_STAGE;
Screenshot for Step

Screenshot for Step

2. If not done before, in SQL Developer create new connection called ODI_STAGE. Enter User name as ODI_STAGE with password ODI_STAGE. For SID enter ORCL. Click Test to verify connection, and then click Connect.
Screenshot for Step

Screenshot for Step

3 .
Create your source table and populate it with data by executing the SQL commands provided below. Expand connection ODI_STAGE > Tables > TRG_SALES_PERSON and verify that the table is created successfully.
Note: You may find these commands in the text file frovided with this OBE. To access this file, click HERE.
constraint "TRG_SALES_PERSON_PK" primary key("SALES_PERSON_ID")

insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values
insert into ODI_STAGE.SRC_SALES_PERSON values

Screenshot for Step

Screenshot for Step

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