Working with ODI Versions 1

In the previous practices, you learned how to create ODI Interfaces, which transform data fromone or more relational tables in the source to a relational table in the target.
In this practice, you take an interface and create a first version of it, version Next, you change some details of the interface’s mapping and create a second version of the interface,
Then you use the ODI Version Browser and Version Comparison tool to compare these two versions of the interface and to detect the differences between them.
Finally, you generate a PDF report of the versions, and then restore the original version.
1. Create an interface
2. Create a new version of the interface
3. Change the interface flow and create another version of the interface, version
4. Use the Version Browser to compare versions of the interface and create a version comparison report

Note: Completing this practice is critical for all the following practice sessions.
Your Tasks:
1. Create a new Interface with Oracle Data Integrator.
a. If not connected, connect to the ODI work repository DEV_ODI_REPO. Log in with the following details. Click OK.

  • Login name: DEV_ODI_REPO
  •  Password: SUNOPSIS.

b. In Designer, click the Projects tab. Expand HandsOnLoads > HandsOn > Interfaces,and select INT_9-1. Right-click this interface and select Duplicate. In the Confirmation window, click Yes.

c. Double-click Copy of INT_9-1. Name the new interface INT_15-1. Click Save to save the interface. Close the INT_15-1 tab.

2. Create new versions of INT_15-1.
a. To create a new version of INT_15-1: Right-click INT_15-1 and select Version >Create Version. On the screen that follows, view the suggested version number. Leave this default number. Click OK.

b. Double-click INT_15-1 to edit it. Click the Flow tab. On the flow tab, click Target Datastore. Select the Distinct Rows check box. Click the Save button and close your interface tab.

c. To create another version of this modified Interface, right-click INT_15-1 and select Version > Create Version. On the screen that follows, click the Previous Versions

d. View the previous (original) version of your interface. Optionally, enter the description of the new version in the Description field. Click OK to save your new version.

e. Now, you explore your versions by using the Version Browser. Click ODI > Version Browser. View your versions with all the necessary information.

3. Compare the newly created version.
a. With Version Browser open, select both versions: ( and ( for interface INT_15-1. Right-click the selected versions and select Compare.

b. Select Modified Fields and deselect other check boxes. Now you have a more compact view of your changes. Click the Print button.

c. On the Report generation screen, select the New objects check box. Click button to specify the PDF file location.

d. Specify the PDF file location: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\MyDocuments\. Name your report: Practice 15-1 Interfaces comparison.
Click Save. Your report will be saved in C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Practice 15-1 Interfaces comparison. Click Generate. Click OK.

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