Using Data Sets with ODI Interface 2

e. Open the Flow tab and verify the flow of your interface. Click the Target datastore.Ensure that the FLOW_CONTROL option is set to true and the DELETE_ALL option is set to true, as shown in the following.

f. Open the Mapping tab again, select BULK_CUST_DATA tab, and then save interface

g. Perform an execution simulation in the Development context. In the Simulation window,scroll down and view the simulated code for the data set TRG_BULK_CUSTOMER with the UNION operator as shown next.

2. Execute interface INT_11-3 and verify the execution results.
a. Execute interface INT_11-3.

b. Open the Operator. Verify that the session INT_11-3 executed successfully. Scroll down and open the task Integration – INT_11-3- Insert new rows. Verify the number of inserts in the target table.

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